Sewage Treatment System
Water 2000 offers a wide range of economical, compact and efficient sewage treatment systems. Carrying over 25 years of professional experience, we provide complete technical services starting from consultancy, analysis, design to installation, operation and maintenance of sewage treatment plant. We supply different capacity sewage treatment system varying from single size dwelling to medium to large residential societies, large municipal and Industrial discharges.
Our Sarah-Env sewage treatment system works on Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) principal. Wastewater flows from the pumping station in the equalising (accumulation) tank from which it is drawn to the activation tank (reactor). Biological treatment itself takes place in the activation tank which is aerated while being filled and subsequently put to sedimentation. As soon as sludge settles at the bottom, the subsurface layer of water is drawn by a special decanting system (decanter) to the outlet from the wastewater treatment plant. The treatment process is regulated via a control unit with a special programme. Sludge from the activation tank is automatically drawn to a separate sludge tank which is regularly emptied.
Sewage is the wastewater discharge out of any premises after any human use. Over 95% of our daily water used in domestic, industrial, commercial activities ends up into sewage. Sewage may be combination of grey water sourced from our regular household uses as dish washers, sinks, washing machines, bath tubs, showers, car wash or blackwater (from toilet flush), other washing activities and drains, or from other commercial businesses and industry (Sometimes called trade waste). As this sewage carries a large no of inorganic, organic or microbiological impurities, its untreated discharge to the environment poses severe threats for the nature thus requires a suitable treatment before its discharge. Wastes that result from industrial processes such as the production or manufacture of goods are classed as industrial wastewater, not as sewage are treated in different ways.
Sewage plants treat incoming sewage from households and trade waste from commercial and industrial customers as well. These plants uses a series of physical, chemical, and biological processes which help to reduce contaminants to a significant lower value and produce treated effluent that is safe enough for release into the environment.

- Sarah-Env TOPAS Sewage plants come with guaranteed effluent parameters and comprehensive manufacturing warranty.
- Comes in single tank (Upto 80 PE) – Large Units with multiple tanks (Upto 600 PE)
- High Treatment efficiency of up to 99% (BOD reduction of over 70%)
- Effectively control all types of nasty, obnoxious smells from sewage plants
- High quality treated effluent for convenient use for land-scape/ irrigation purpose/ bore injection
- Up to 20 year life without any major repair and least maintenance
- Highly reliable and long life Japanese compressors
- Compact structure
- 90-95% Energy efficient
- Fully digital automation and easy monitoring
- Up to 20 year life without any major repair and least maintenance